Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter
From The Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Hope your week has been a good one so far. This week sees our undercover area being transformed with two large screens either side of the stage. It has been exciting to witness their installation and realise the many benefits this technology will bring to our school community. It will no longer be necessary to return to the Church for our Assemblies, instead they can continue to take place in the shed which caters for a larger number of attendees and is certainly cooler in the hot, summer months.
All going well, our Remembrance Liturgy tomorrow will be the first event to make use of our new screens. To a certain degree, the successful use of the screens tomorrow will depend on how effectively the training and instructions we will receive in the use of this technology have been understood. There are always the students to lend a helping hand, as they are probably the most tech savvy people amongst us.
Remembrance Day was first observed in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth. It was originally called ‘Armistice Day’ to commemorate the armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday November 11 1918 at 11 am, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Living in a country such as ours, it is easy to take peace for granted. We are fortunate that the sound of a Super Hornet does not instil fear but rather interest to see what type of aircraft is traversing the sky above.
Tomorrow at 11 am, our students pause for a minute’s silence and at 2:15 pm, they will gather to pray for peace in our world as we remember those who sacrificed their lives for others. One way we can honour the fallen is to continue to work for peace in our families and wider communities.
Recently our 2022 prep students met their teachers and participated in our Orientation morning. How wonderful it is to see young children with the confidence to come into an unfamiliar setting with a large number of unfamiliar faces.
As educators, we are frequently told that children will need a different skill set to be prepared for the jobs of the future. David Coady, a reporter for ABC Radio Current Affairs, suggests workers in 2030 will perform fewer routine and manual tasks, and instead focus on human interaction, strategic and creative thinking. They will also spend more time learning on the job, solving problems and using science and mathematics skills.
Many of the jobs that these four and five year olds will be employed to do, as yet do not exist. How then do we cater for their future? Schools will continue to develop curriculum to prepare students but perhaps as we draw closer to the Christmas season there may be gifts or experiences which can begin to foster problem solving, strategic and creative thinking. Certainly there may be opportunities at school for our students to creatively problem solve, as we navigate using our new screens over the coming weeks.
Have a wonderful week.
God Bless
Staffing Update for 2022
It is that time of year when class lists and teacher placements are on the school agenda. Much time and effort has gone into placing students in classes, with teachers considering friendships, special needs, class balance, and students’ ability to work with each other. The process is not taken lightly and takes into consideration the information the teacher has gathered about how your child learns over the past 12 months.
I have been made aware that in past years we have seen only minor communication around class placement, and ask that you please continue to respect the professional judgement of our teachers in this process. It is difficult to continually try to shuffle children around every time we get a request, as meetings have to be held with teachers and one change can cause a string of others. Your child’s 2022 teacher may not be their preference, however they might be the best teacher for the learning and achievement of your child.
I understand that there are sometimes legitimate concerns around class placement, and ask that you please contact me directly via email or in person if you do have such concerns. I cannot promise that I will be able to meet all requests, but please know that as a staff we are looking for the best interest of the learner, your child. Please see below the class teachers for 2022:
Prep A: Tricia Geaney
Prep B: Diane Engert (Monday - Wednesday)
Kristin Cantoni (Thursday - Friday)
Year 1A: Summah Green
Year 1B: Mia White
Year 2A: Michael Feaver
Year 2B: Jillian Herlihy (Monday - Wednesday)
Monique Connell (Thursday - Friday)
Year 3A: Ramona Lazzaroni
Year 3B: Wilna Odendaal
Year 4A: Emily Ayres
Year 4B: Emma Duyvestyn
Year 5A: Julie Franklin
Year 5B: Dani Butler (Monday - Wednesday)
Siobhan Franzmann (Thursday - Friday)
Year 6A: Brianna Weinheimer
Year 6B: Jacinta Hutchison
We are sad to be losing Miss Bridget Horton in 2022. Bridget has received a permanent position at St Benedict’s Catholic School, Shaw and we wish her all the very best in her new role. She will be very much missed by the staff and families of St Joseph’s. We welcome back Dani Butler who has been away on Maternity Leave and Siobhan Franzmann who has also been busy raising a family since she was last at St Joseph’s. Both of these teachers are a very welcome addition to our 2022 Joey’s staff, and we look forward to their presence, contributions and the experience they will no doubt bring to our school next year.
You may have noticed Mrs Luton is not on the list of teaching staff, which would come as a surprise to many of you. Happily I can say that Mrs Luton is not leaving us just yet, and will remain on staff at St Joseph’s in 2022 and beyond. Mrs Luton will be working two days a week in the role of Teacher Librarian.
Please note that this list includes only class teachers, with our specialist teachers to be advised in the near future.
Welcome to Week 6...
Remembrance Day
On Thursday, 11th November, the Year 5B students will lead the school in a Remembrance Day Liturgy.
As a school we will observe one minute silence at 11am. The Liturgy will take place in the
Covered Area at 2.15pm when we will pray for all those who have lost their lives in trying to bring peace to our world. May they rest in peace.
Mini Vinnies
Thank you to the group of Yr 6 students who have been involved in Mini Vinnies during this year. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we have not been quite as active as we had hoped to have been, however last Saturday a group of students and I had our final visit to Villa Vincent.
It was lovely to see the students interact with the residents and I know they brought some sunshine to the resident’s day. Bingo was on the timetable and we have some astute bingo players in Yr 6 but they were gracious losers. The Gospel teaches us about giving and sharing, how we give it and what is in our hearts when we give it. These students were a wonderful example of giving generously without expectation of a reward. We all left with smiles on our faces thanks to the appreciation of the residents. Thank you to Chloe L, Mia D, Mia P, Rebekah, Kiohna and Annaliese for giving their time so joyously.
A wonderful gift ...treasure it.
November….Month of All Souls
Throughout the month of November there is a book in the foyer of the office for you to write the names of those who you have loved who have passed away. We will pray for these souls each week.
SVP Christmas Appeal
On Tuesday, 16th November, a group of students will accompany Mrs. Nuttal to the launch of the SVP Christmas Appeal which will be held at St. Benedict’s Catholic School. Every year, students and the wider community of St. Joseph’s Mundingburra, generously donate to this worthwhile cause. Donations of non-perishable food items, gifts, or money would be appreciated. Our school will once again participate in the Christmas Appeal this year. More information will be forwarded to our families in the next couple of weeks.
Let’s Be Friends
Our Monday liturgy was led by 1B. We learnt the importance of Friends and how we need to act with each other to keep friends. At this time of the term it was a timely reminder for us all, young and old, to be conscious of the importance of friends and how we treat them. They are like diamonds in the snow. Look after your friends, treat people well and friendship grows and lasts a lifetime.
1B acted out the Joey’s Way; “Keep my Hands to Myself”. This scene fitted in perfectly with the theme of Friends. Thank you 1B for a beautiful liturgy with a very important message.
At Assembly next Monday, the focus will be on the SVP Christmas Appeal. The liturgy will be led by 4A .
Joey’s Way for Week 7 will be “Walk on the Footpath”
Have a good week.
Save the Date
Information for Families
Term 4 School Fees are due Thursday 11th November.
Your prompt payment to settle all overdue amounts prior to the above date is most appreciated.
Optional Long Sleeved Shirts
School Locker have advised that due to the factory closure during COVID that there will be a delay in supplying these shirts. School Locker apologise to families and will contact families directly once the shirts arrive.
Library News
Congratulations and thank you to all the parents and students who purchased books from our recent amazing, busy Scholastic Book Fair Bookstore!!
The Library received excellent sales this year which have generated into wonderful scholastic points, which will go to book purchasing for 2022. This amount sets up the Library for a fantastic year ahead of us!! A love of books will last your child a lifetime…..Thank you!
Winners of the Wednesday and Thursday lucky draw prize were Abigail 6B and Laura 1B.
Christmas holidays are rapidly getting closer. This year the Library will be closing in Week 8 for book preparation and resourcing. Week 7 will be the last borrowing week for students and in Week 8 all books including overdues, will need to be returned. If you have any concerns regarding overdue books please do not hesitate to contact the Library.
Specialist lessons and lunchtime activities such as, ‘Let’s Talk about Books’ have enthusiastically resumed this week after the Book Fair and the usual eBook Hub will recommence during Thursday lunchtimes.