Term 1, Week 6 Newsletter, 2023
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Mary MacKillop Parish News
Enhancing Catholic School Identity Surveys
The Joey's Way
Diary Dates
Raise the roof for Rafael
NAPLAN Timetable
Star Students
Information for Parents
Swimming Lessons
From the Office
Enrolments - Prep 2024
Clean Up Australia Day
Guidance Counsellor
Digital Citizenship Pledge - eSmart
Bimbi Wadja
Library News
School Sport Trials
Uniform Shop
P & F News
St Margaret Mary's Showcase
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional owners of this land on which we stand, the Wulgurukaba and neighbouring Bindal people who are the custodians. We pray that we can walk together to a better future.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers, Staff and Students
St Joseph’s Mundingburra is one of a number of schools in the Diocese who are completing our third round of Enhancing Catholic School Identity Surveys (ECSI). We require significant engagement from the parent / caregiver community for these results to have the necessary validity and reliability. As such, I am asking that as many of our parents and carers as possible complete the surveys. I receive a number of requests to complete surveys myself, and understand that it is sometimes the last thing you feel like doing as there are so many demands on our time. I have completed the ECSI surveys, and they are all multiple choice questions. I suggest you don’t think too much about your responses, rather select the option which resonates with you straight away.
All staff will be completing these surveys, as will the students in Years 5 and 6. I am confident of a high completion rate by staff and students, as not only are there constant reminders, but also the opportunity exists to timetable the completion of these surveys, particularly for our students who will complete them at school. With our parent / caregiver community, we are relying on individuals to allocate time to complete their surveys.
The purpose of this survey research is to gain meaningful insights into how your son or daughter’s school views its Catholic identity today and how such identity might be shaped for tomorrow. Everyone’s input is important, and only you will be able to view your individual results, and this can be done once you’ve completed the questionnaires / surveys.
Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent. During the six-week season of Lent, we are encouraged by the Church to engage in three spiritual practices – prayer, self sacrifice, and giving. What does this mean for us and our children?
During Lent, prayer centres on our need to ask for God’s forgiveness and mercy for not following the example Jesus set for us, and trying to become the best person we can be.
Self Sacrifice
We might forgo something we enjoy. Instead, the money and time sacrificed is set aside to help those in need. We can also forgo behaviours which hurt others. Instead, we can embrace being kind and helpful to those around us.
Giving our money or doing something good for others is a way to respond to God’s generosity and love. During Lent, people are encouraged to offer their time or treasure to the needy. For example, some people volunteer, while others donate the money they typically use to buy their morning coffee or treats at the tuckshop to charities.
Students’ Lenten Promises this Lent will incorporate Prayer, Self Sacrifice and Giving.
Have a wonderful week.
God bless
An important message regarding STOP DROP AND GO ZONE
A reminder to parents/caregivers who use the Stop, Drop and Go of a morning and afternoon, this area is only to be used to drop children off or pick them up before continuing to drive out of the school. It is not a place to park and get out of your car.
I understand parents/caregivers wanting to assist their child or children get their bags out of the boot and also walk them to the gate. Can I ask that if you wish to do this that you park in one of the available car parks in the Church/School car park or the car park near the Mary MacKillop Kindergarten.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Blessed to Serve
Bear with one another, help one another, and ever strive to serve God in a generous spirit. ~Mary MacKillop
Last week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday to mark the start of Lent. The season of Lent lasts for six weeks. During Lent we are encouraged to be generous and thoughtful in what we say and do. It is also a time to draw closer to God, and prepare for Easter.
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising appeal which is held during the six weeks of Lent each year. The theme of Project Compassion 2023 is ‘For All Future Generations’. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long term solutions to global issues. With our theme of Blessed to Serve we are encouraging students to reach out to others in need and to find ways to enrich the lives of those around them. Project Compassion is a wonderful way to do this.
On Monday each students was provided with a project compassion box for donations or you can donate online via the Caritas Australia website at: lent.caritas.org.au
Last week Mrs Luton, Summer and Campbell attended the Project Compassion Launch in Ingham at Gilroy Santa Maria College.
Watch a short film about Laxmi's story here
St Joseph's Catholic Identity Advisory Committee - Call for Nominations
The Catholic Identity Advisory Committee plays an important role as an advisory group within the school community to support the school leadership team to ensure the Catholic identity of the school remains recognisable, credible and meaningful to the school community today.
St Joseph's Primary School welcomes nominations from school community members to join the newly formed Catholic Identity Advisory Committee. Interested nominees can email Principal, Tracy Nuttall or APRE Peta Taylor at enquiries@sjmbtsv.catholic.edu.au
Expressions of interest are required by Friday 17th March. Our first meeting will be held towards the end of the term.
Our assembly is held on Monday morning at 8:45am in our Shelter Shed. Parents, families and friends are all welcome to join us. Our next two assembled will be:
Week 7 - Love One Another hosted by 4A
Week 8 - St Patrick’s Day hosted by 4B
Christian Meditation will take place each Thursday morning at 8:00am in the Library. Meditation is a form of sacred and silent prayer, known as prayer of the heart. It is a lovely way to start the day! Mrs Plant will be away in week 7 so there will not be any mediation in this week she will be back in Week 8.
Sacramental Program 2023
We will be running the Sacramental Program again this year. At this stage the dates are not finalised. As soon as we have more information we will let parents know.
May God’s blessing be with you, have a wonderful week.
Mary MacKillop Parish News
St Vincent de Paul Society Chapter needs your help to make a difference in people’s lives. If you think you would like to be involved in our local St
Vincent de Paul conference and are willing to commit to an hour a
fortnight, please contact one of our parish Vincentians for more
information. Thank you. Geraldine Feaver: 0448 472 891
Parish Trivia Night
The Parish Centenary quiz night held on Saturday 17th February was a great success with over 130 people in attendance. Quiz Master, Ross Horner, ensured everyone had their thinking caps on to answer the array of questions. Competition was friendly but fierce with the ‘Trivia Newton-John’s’ team receiving the winner’s prize from Fr Lijo. Gyan Russell ensured everyone was well fed. Many thanks to the Centenary Committee for organising this Parish Social event.
Sunday Morning Tea
Morning tea is held after each Sunday 7.30 am Mass. Come along and meet your fellow parishioners in an informal setting at the parish office. We also invite people to bring a plate to share when convenient.
Parish Lunch
Parish lunches are held at the Rising Sun Hotel at 12 pm on the last Friday of each month. Next lunch: 31/03/23. Bookings can be made with the parish office on 4775 7688, or phone Graeme on 0412535501, or email: marymac@tsv.catholic.org.au
Children’s Liturgy
Children's liturgy takes place every Sunday mass at 7:30 am (during the school term) Members of our parish take the children out and complete activities related to the weekly gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to engage with and understand the meaning of the gospel. All children are welcome.
Parish Mass Times
Tuesday 7.00am
Friday 7.00am
Saturday 5.00pm
Sunday 7.30am
Enhancing Catholic School Identity Surveys
2023 Enhancing Catholic Identity Surveys - Request for Parents and Caregivers to complete
Dear Parents and Caregivers
St Joseph's Catholic School Mundingburra is one of a number of diocesan schools who are due to complete the next round of Enhancing Catholic School Identity Surveys in 2023. Parents/Caregivers, Staff and Year 5 and 6 students are being asked to complete these surveys. We ask that you make time to participate in this very important survey research, as high participation rates will yield results of greater validity.
The purpose of this survey research is to gain meaningful insights into how your son or daughter’s school views its Catholic identity today and how such identity might be shaped for tomorrow. Everyone’s input is important, and only you will be able to view your individual results, and this can be done once you’ve completed the questionnaires.
Please find attached all the information you will need to complete these surveys. Thank you in anticipation of your engagement in this process. It will be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Tracy Nuttall
The Joey's Way
Diary Dates
Raise the roof for Rafael
NAPLAN Timetable
Star Students
Information for Parents
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons have commenced on Fridays for years 1, 2 and 4 until week 9.
From the Office
School fees for Term 1 were issued on 9 February via email. If you have not received your invoice, please check your junk/spam folders and advise the office if you cannot find them.
Fees are due Friday 3 March.
There are various payment options available.
Our preferred payment method is via Bpay. Payment details can be found on your statement.
Parents are reminded to use our enquiries email for correspondance to the office. Email enquiries@sjmbtsv.catholic.edu.au
Absent notifications can be sent to absent@sjmbtsv.catholic.edu
These email accounts are monitored by multiple office staff and by using them ensures timely replies to your enquiries.
If you have something you would like in the school newsletter (subject to approval) please email newsletter@sjmbtsv.catholic.edu.au
Is your child absent from school? Please notify the office via
- emailing absent@sjmbtsv.catholic.edu.au
- calling the office and leaving a message at the absent option
- parent/guardian can note the absence through Compass
A text message will go out at 9.30am to any parents whose child is marked absent without an explanation. Please reply to this text using one of the above methods. If your child arrives after 8.30am, they must pass through the office for a late pass so that if the role has been marked at the classroom, office staff can make the ammendment for the arrival. We thank parents for assisting with this. Roles are marked promptly at 8.30am on Mondays due to assembly - students are required to collect a late pass before moving to assembly if they are late.
Enrolments - Prep 2024
We are currently taking sibling enrolments for Prep for 2024. Enrolment application forms can be found on our website or by visiting our office for a paper copy. Please return to the office as soon as possible as interviews commence later this term.
Clean Up Australia Day
Guidance Counsellor
In this edition of SchoolTV - FRIENDSHIP & BELONGING
Learning how to make new friends and keep them involves a number of skills every young person needs to understand and develop. For some these skills will come very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences and opening up to new people. For others, this can be much harder to navigate. Belonging to a group that is like-minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a young person’s wellbeing. It gives them a sense of security helping them feel valued which in turn builds their confidence.
Positive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood. Adult carers can support their child or teenager by providing guidance in the many social and emotional skills required for a healthy relationship. This will help them to obtain, retain and maintain friendships. However, not all friendships are regarded as positive. Sometimes young people develop negative or toxic friendships. Therefore it is also important for them to learn how to identify, avoid or deal with such a friendship.
In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers can learn how to support their young person’s friendship so that they experience a sense of belonging.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Friendship & Belonging edition of SchoolTV
Julie and Lena
The Resilient Parent - FREE Webinar
Resilience. When it comes to your kids, you’ve probably heard this word many times. From teachers, on social media posts, even from other parents on the playground – it seems that resilience is the watch word of the day. And as parents, we want our kids to be strong and good, so they can weather the storms of life.
But resilience isn’t just for kids.
As parents we’re faced with challenges every day. We have a seemingly unending list of little tasks, like making lunches and getting our kids to after school commitments on time, soothing the daily hurts – both physical and emotional – in our children.
We need to meet homework demands, push music practice, make dinners, kick footballs, and much more.
And we do all this while trying to manage our own physical and mental health and responsibilities at work and home.
It's no surprise that research shows that parents are more burnt out than ever.
But research also tells us that being resilient helps us bounce back from adversity and frustrations, and return quickly to a state of healthy functioning.
So now all we have to do is figure out how to become a resilient parent so we can teach those skills to our own kids. Introducing...
the Resilient Parent FREE WEBINAR
Thursday 9 March 8pm AEDT (click the link below to register)
In the webinar I’ll share:
the research behind parental burn out, and how this could be hurting you and your family
the five solutions you can take to boost your resilience and make you and your family happier, and
the tools and techniques you can use to build your own reserves of parenting resilience and help you model resilience for your kids too.
This 30-minute FREE webinar is designed for parents who are ready to leave burnt out parenting behind for good, and bring more resilience and strength to their own children.
Digital Citizenship Pledge - eSmart
Our eSmart Journey
As part of our school eSmart journey, students at St Joseph have taken a pledge to be safe, responsible and respectful when travelling through the online world. Students collaborated in their class groups to identify shared norms that will help them achieve their goals. They were given a voice to become champions of change for our school community. Students aim to strengthen their online communities by adhering to their created norms that everyone has pledged to uphold.
Our eSmart journey doesn't stop here. The idea behind our project is to take the learnings of cyber safety and digital citizenship into our students' homes and for students to share their understanding with family and friends. We are continually working towards our whole school eSafety curriculum from Prep to Year 6. Topics and activities include digital footprints, emails, safe searching, online identity, balancing your time online and more.
Having our parents support this project is extremely beneficial. An upcoming webinar for parents will be offered and we encourage as many parents to join the learning.
QLD Webinar ~ Parenting in the Digital World
Tuesday 21st March 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
This parent webinar provides insight into the online worlds of young people including the latest trends, risks, and research, and includes a strong focus on social media. It also offers advice parents can use to help manage a child’s life online.
Online Booking link
Flexischools offers a convenient way to order school lunches online. Please update your child's class to their 2023 class so that orders go to the correct place and children are not delayed in receiving their order.
Our Tuckshop list is also available on our school website.
Jeannine is our Tuckshop Convenor and is always appreciative of volunteers. If you can spare even an hour of your time, please contact her on M: 0407 578 105
Volunteers are required to complete our Induction process. This includes the Online Modules, Supporting Documents and Quiz. Please follow the link below and follow the instructions.
Bimbi Wadja
The Bimbi Wadja group had their first get together on Thurs the 23rd February. We came together and welcomed 5 new friends with some activities. We discussed our Yarning circle garden ideas and plants that would grow in that area. The children painted bark and leaves with Indigenous symbols. We used playdough to make fossils, looked at plants and seeds, worked on puzzles and glued coloured paper to make the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.
Library News
This week we commence a new month of March, with the excitement of celebrating the life and literature of Dr Seuss, whose real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel. Why do we still love to celebrate this amazing author and illustrator? Dr Seuss’s books span the generations, with their nonsense stories, rhyming repetitive text and the crazy creatures in his imaginative stories and have sold over 600 million books in 17 languages around the world.
‘The more that you read,
the more things you will know,
the more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go!’
Dr Seuss
The library has commenced a ‘Dr Seuss Bookmark Competition’ this week. Students draw a creative and imaginative bookmark, all about the author or his quirky books that he has written and entries can be left at the library. Students
are already excited to explore everything about Dr Seuss!
Our amazing Library Teacher Mrs Luton, continues to engage students with her specialist teaching skills with essential core knowledge and strong foundations with literature for lower primary students. Utilizing InitiLit storytime with
famous stories like ‘Edwina the Emu’, students are developing vocabulary and comprehension of literature. Upper primary students continue with their note taking skills, with their ‘convict’ topic, as well as the celebration of Dr Seuss’s contribution to children’s literature.
Also, Clean Up Australia Day has been featured in the library with children able to sign up for an environment pledge to keep Australia clean, this week.
Issue 2 – Book Club brochures will be given out this week!
Orders for issue 2 will need to be in by 15 March, remember to order through
Scholastic LOOP. A link can be found on our school website under the Parents tab.
e Book Hub
Students are invited to join their friends, every Thursday at lunchtime 1.10pm,
where they learn skills and knowledge about our Sora e book program in our
"You're never too old, too wacky, too wilk, to pick up a book and read to a child." Dr Seuss
Happy Reading!